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Taxi Booking


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1. Applicable on all Service available in this Taxi booking.

2. Applicable on final price/ all offers on MRP, if available on any Service.

3. Valid for all occasions which will be coming within 180 days from buying date.

4. Redeem full Voucher only in a single time

5. Till 10% service Charge will be free but if amount will exceed Rs. 500/- then Customer will have to pay difference amount but if Customer will not redeem full Voucher only in a single time then, pending amount of Voucher will be lapse and Taxi & Smes will not give any difference amount to any Customer.

6. Terms and conditions apply by the Taxi owner. The Taxi owner will have the final decision regarding this facility. In which we will have no interference. We are responsible to provide you only tow-wheeler service. But in this also we will fully cooperate with you.

Use Code:- Taxibooking500


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