Extend Your Bike Service Now

Basic Plan

18 Month ( Save 5400/+1650- )
₹299 /+18% gst Extra
  • 12 Complete Service
  • Get One Service in ₹75 Only
  • For 11 service Pay 125 Rs Only On Every Service
  • 22 Point Check at Time Of Service
  • ₹ 50 Off On Every Service on Lauber
  • Get Life Time Membership For Your Door Step Service
  • Complete Washing & Policing

Corporate Plan

18 Month ( Save 6000/-+1650 )
Connect with Us
  • 18 Complete Service
  • Get One Service in ₹75 Only
  • Pay 125Rs. Only On Every Service
  • 22 Point Check at Time Of Service
  • ₹ 50 Off On Every Service on Lauber
  • Get Life Time Membership For Your Door Step Service
  • Complete Washing & Policing

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Exclusive Service Products

Flowering Plants

Get your flowers for good health and create green environment of India. MRP 2500 give only Rs. 10/- Rs.50/- Rs.100/- Rs.500/- per month. Please Select Your Purchase.

Our Partners

Extra Benefits To Buy Our Subscription

Get your flowers for good health and create green environment of India. MRP 2500 give only Rs. 10/- Rs.50/- Rs.100/- Rs.500/- per month. Please Select Your Purchase.
  1. Till  10% Off  To all Tattoos services will be free. 4 Times Total Value 5000 Rs.
  2. Applicable on all services available in this Shop.
  3.  Redeem full Voucher only in a single time.
  4. Also applicable for more than one person but only in a single time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner.
  1. Till Rs. 50/- services will be free. 4 Times Total Value 200Rs.
  2. Applicable on all services available in this Salon.
  3.  Redeem full Voucher only in a single time.
  4. Also applicable for more than one person but only in a single time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner
  1. Till Rs. 100/- products will be free. 2 Times Total Value 200Rs.
  2. Applicable on all products available in this Shop also available Towels, Pillows and Yoga Mats etc.
  3. Applicable on final price/ all offers on MRP, if available on any product.
  4. Redeem full Voucher only in a single time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner.
  1. Till Rs. 500/- Or  2% products will be free.
  2. Applicable on all products available in this Shop also available Mobiles, Headphone and Chargers etc.
  3. Applicable on final price/ all offers on MRP, if available on any product.
  4. Redeem full Voucher only in a single time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner
  1. Till Rs. 100/- items will be free. 2 Times Total Value 200Rs.
  2. Applicable on all items excluding beverages available in this Restaurant.
  3. Applicable only on Dine-In.
  4. Redeem Full Voucher only in a single Time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner
  1. Till Rs. 100/- items will be free. 2 Times Total Value 200Rs.
  2. Applicable on all items excluding beverages available in this Restaurant.
  3. Applicable only on Dine-In.
  4. Redeem Full Voucher only in a single Time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner
  1. Till Rs. 500/- Or  2% products will be free.
  2. Applicable on all products available in this Shop also available Mobiles, Headphone and Chargers etc.
  3. Applicable on final price/ all offers on MRP, if available on any product.
  4. Redeem full Voucher only in a single time.
  5. T&C applicable by shop owner

Service We Providing

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